The ArtSalon Presents: FREE ASSOCIATION – a collage workshop with Wendy Woodson

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Collage Workshop: Free Association

July 24, 10am-1pm

33 Hawley Street, Northampton MA

Wendy Woodson

This workshop will encourage spontaneity and experimentation in creating collages from found images on paper.  Examples and techniques from Wendy’s own collage practice will be given as jumping off points and then participants will dive into cutting shapes out of discarded book and making responsive expressions on paper.  We will extract images (postures, shapes, colors, textures, relationships) from their original contexts and make new configurations and collage arrangements following (and trusting) our impulses and free associations. The workshop will emphasize making in a shared space of improvisational play and creative response to materials at hand.

This class is for both beginners and people with previous experience.

Please bring a pair of scissors, one stick of Elmers glue and a book that you have or find that you can cut up. Other material/images will be provided. We will create a shared collection of source material to work with.  Also, bring snacks and water.




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